Mr. Monkey

City: Campaign City
Secret ID: Chimp-Chimp
Aliases: Reginald C. Chimp
Sex: Male Rhesus Macaque Monkey
Hgt: 28#              Wgt: 2' 1"
Hair: brown fur   Eyes: black

Quote: "Cheerio."

Talking Monkey in a Suit and Bowler Hat (3)
Tools: Monkey Tail and No Shoes.
Tasks: Former circus performer with super climbing, swinging monkey agility (and throwing).
Super-Freaky Intelligence (4)
Tools: Books and Reading Glasses.
Tasks: Art, Music and History.
Charming Disarming English Accent (3)
Tools: Cuppa Tea.
Tasks: British behavior and spelling.

In a world full of superheroes, they were . . .

Last updated 10/15/2016.